Water Ways

Build fountains, float boats and explore the swirling, whirling ways of water!

Water is intrinsically fascinating – the ultimate “loose part.” Whether splashing in puddles and bathtubs, floating sticks in rivers, or building fountains at the Children’s Museum, water naturally invites open-ended play and exploration. Water play is a mesmerizing sensory experience that fosters creativity, stimulates curiosity and promotes problem solving for all ages and abilities. It offers children endless possibilities to engage with science – to notice, question, experiment and develop a sense of wonder about the world around them. Water Ways motivates kids – and grown-ups – to think, ‘What does water do?’ and ‘What can I do with water?’ by immersing visitors in engaging, interactive new water play.

  • Splash, explore, discover and investigate water and its properties in different forms:
  • Transform the size and shape of billowing mist and water domes
  • Send boats and balls spiraling and twisting through vortexes
  • Connect pipe pieces to form fountains that funnel the flow of mist and water
  • Investigate and sculpt crushed ice using a variety of tools
  • “Paint” watery designs on a large slate wall
  • Build mazes and dam water cascading downstream with blocks and sandbags
  • Explore an expanded play area with ramps, squeegees and spigots especially for the Museum’s youngest visitors

And MUCH more!

About Us

Our mission is to inspire lifelong learning for all through play, creativity, and exploration.

Hours and Admissions

Open 7 Days a Week

9:30am to 4:30pm

Reservations are available online. Reserve your tickets now, or purchase walk-up tickets when you arrive.

Masks are optional for most activities at PCM.

Group Visits

Providence Children's Museum is the ideal place for school field trips, camp outings, homeschool and community group trips and Scout excursions.

About Play

While society often overlooks and undervalues play, we are here to celebrate and elevate it. Because we know play isn’t frivolous. It’s foundational.

PCM Lesson Plans

Check out our library of lesson plans for teachers and families. PCM has created a variety of lesson plans for teachers by teachers for children pre-k through early elementary.

Become a Partner

PCM has brought the magic of learning to life for over 40 years. As a trusted resource for families and children in southern New England, PCM is an anchor in our community.

Become a Partner

PCM has brought the magic of learning to life for over 40 years. As a trusted resource for families and children in southern New England, PCM is an anchor in our community.

More than a Museum
PCM is committed to serving the children of southern New England – regardless of their financial ability. 40% of the Museum’s budget is dedicated to welcoming one-third of the Museum’s total audience free of charge or at greatly reduced rates through a variety of outreach programs.